Enjoy free premium access to safety app Flare starting today

Your safety is our number one priority. At Deliveroo, we’re always exploring new ways to enhance awareness and safety measures for you. With this in mind, starting this month, Deliveroo will recognise the month of October as “Rider Safety Month”,  raising your road safety awareness through a series of new initiatives.

We are very excited to announce our first initiative. Starting today, you will be able to enjoy free premium access to the reliable road safety app Flare, which offers you always-on protection and enhances your safety when you are on the road. 

Whether you are walking, using a bicycle or scooter, with the Flare app-enabled, you’ll benefit from a suite of first-class safety features including:

  • Ask others close by for help - If your vehicle breaks down while you deliver and need assistance, you can ask other Flare users nearby for help.
  • Hazard alerting - If you encounter a hazard, blind turn, or a pothole that you believe is a risk to your and others’ safety, you can report it in the app and also receive proactive alerts from others.
  • Panic Button - If you feel unsafe, you can activate the panic button to quickly share your location with all of your emergency contacts
  • RoadRadar - Whenever you use Flare, RoadRadar users (which include lots of lorries and car drivers) will be warned when you’re close.
  • Incident detection - Using the sensors in your smartphone, Flare can detect road incidents or collisions.
  • Emergency contacts - If you're unresponsive, the app will automatically notify your emergency contacts and Deliveroo’s dedicated Rider Support team.

Learn more about how Flare can protect you here. Also, don’t forget you are also covered by the insurance program too!