Upcoming updates to your rider supplier agreement

In the next few weeks we’re making some updates to our rider supplier agreements, and you’ll soon be asked to accept these new terms directly in the rider app. Here’s a quick summary of these updates:

1.Substitution will no longer be allowed

We’ve been working with the Hong Kong authorities to improve the security of our rider network and prevent unauthorised access to rider accounts. Therefore from the date you accept your new supplier agreement onwards, only you as the rider account holder will be able to use your rider account to complete orders.

This means that letting someone else use your rider account as a substitute to perform services on your behalf will no longer be allowed. If you currently let someone else use your account, we recommend they apply for their own rider account.

We’ll continue to ensure that only you as the rider account holder have access to your rider account through regular identity checks in the rider app.

2.New opportunities to earn in the rider app

While we're not making any changes to the types of delivery we offer, in the future we may offer you new opportunities to earn with Deliveroo. For example: returning items to the partner if they can’t be safely left at the customer. 

We are updating our supplier agreement to be able to offer these extra fees in future. If and when we do launch anything new, we’ll let you know by email.

You will still have the same flexibility to work when and where you want and accept and reject orders as you want. The full updated supplier agreement is attached in the email for you to read - you don't need to sign this now. We’ll ask you to agree to the new terms directly in the rider app in the next few weeks. 
You’ll need to successfully verify your identity in the rider app and accept the new supplier agreement in order to continue working with Deliveroo.